HandsetExpert is committed to ensuring that this site is accessible, helpful, and informative for all users, and is compliant with the Equality Act 2010.
Adjust Text Size
The simplest way to change the size of text on a website is to do the following:
Windows Users:
- Hold down the CTRL key and press + to increase the text size one step at a time.
- Hold down the CTRL key and press - to decrease the text size one step at a time.
- Hold down the CTRL key and press 0 to return the text size to normal size.
Mac OS Users:
- Hold down the CMD key and press + to increase the text size one step at a time.
- Hold down the CMD key and press - to decrease the text size one step at a time.
- Hold down the CMD key and press 0 to return the text size to normal size.
These instructions will work with Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer/Edge, Opera and Safari.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, comments or issues regarding the accessibility of the site, please drop us a line via our contact page.